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Object Detection Target Model

What is YOLOv5?

YOLOv5 is an open-source computer vision model by Ultralytics, the creators of YOLOv5. You can use autodistill to train a YOLOv5 object detection model on a dataset of labelled images generated by the base models that autodistill supports.

View our YOLOv5 Instance Segmentation page for information on how to train instance segmentation models.

Read the full Autodistill documentation.

Read the YOLOv5 Autodistill documentation.


To use the YOLOv5 target model, you will need to install the following dependency:

pip3 install autodistill-yolov5


from autodistill_YOLOv5 import YOLOv5

target_model = YOLOv5("")

# train a model
target_model.train("./context_images_labeled/data.yaml", epochs=200)

# run inference on the new model
pred = target_model.predict("./context_images_labeled/train/images/dog-7.jpg", conf=0.01)


The code in this repository is licensed under an AGPL 3.0 license.