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Object Detection Base Model

What is Grounded SAM?

Grounded SAM uses the Segment Anything Model to identify objects in an image and assign labels to each image.


To use the Grounded SAM base model, you will need to install the following dependency:

pip3 install autodistill-grounded-sam


from autodistill_grounded_sam import GroundedSAM
from autodistill.detection import CaptionOntology

# define an ontology to map class names to our Grounded SAM prompt
# the ontology dictionary has the format {caption: class}
# where caption is the prompt sent to the base model, and class is the label that will
# be saved for that caption in the generated annotations
# then, load the model
base_model = GroundedSAM(ontology=CaptionOntology({"shipping container": "container"}))

# label all images in a folder called `context_images`
base_model.label("./context_images", extension=".jpeg")